B l a c k L u c a n i a n P i g

black lucanian pig

A n a n c i e n t b r e e d

Suino Nero Lucano is a race linked to the historical and pastoral events of the Apennine Italy. Already in pre-Roman times the migratory flows from central Italy to the south favored the spread of pig breeding along the Apennine ridge. In the nineteenth century, black cloaked pigs were widely bred outdoors along the Apennine foothills and in uncultivated areas and roamed free in the city suburbs. At the beginning of the 1800s Francesco I di Borbone realized the first cross between the Lucanian horse and a Large White, called York, with which he increased the size of the animal. This richest cross in fat and meat, made the food self-sufficiency of local populations more solid. Today we continue to breed this ancient race and we are proud to see that its existence still thrives in Basilicata

T h e b r e e d i n g

We decided to breed a pig that perfectly adapted to our territory and that represented it to 360 degrees, with characteristics of the meat as those of the past, incredibly unique marbled to make ECCELLENT meats. So the choice of the Nero Lucano Pig with the project of recovery of the breed by joining the Consortium of Tutela (TGAA Antico Suino Nero Lucano), where we are proud to define ourselves as “Guardian Breeders” that in the last decades of the last century was almost extinct, but thanks to an intense and hard work it has been recovered and therefore it is out of danger extinction.

T h e l i f e c y c l e

All our pigs are born in the farm, after about 4 months of gestation in which the sows are left freely with the verroal grazing. A few weeks before the alleged birth they are put in separate places where the pigs will be born. The young are left with the mother for at least 40 days, necessary time for weaning and once they reach the age suitable to be removed from the mother, the piglets are grouped with other broods (35 -40 heads) and placed in large enclosures ‘open where they will remain for about 18-22 months, when they will reach a weight of 140-160kg and the right maturation of the meat.

The animals are transported to the slaughterhouse with appropriate company means without causing them any psychophysical stress, so as to ensure their well-being until slaughter and consequently have relaxed, slightly nervous and above all almost dehydrated meats.

T h e p o w e r s u p p l y

Food is the most important factor for the quality of meat, in fact our animals grazing freely in oak woods, Turkey oaks and Mediterranean scrub where they feed mainly on acorns, roots, leaves, wild herbs and wild berries and to which we integrate, BIOLOGICAL cereals in part company and partly purchased from local companies of trust. The mixture of only bear, soft wheat, oats, legumes, protein pea and bran is daily administered and in the last phase of fattening are also increased well-defined quantities of fresh chestnuts deriving exclusively from Lucan chestnut and controlled by ourselves and small doses of dairy serum.