T h e t e r r i t o r y

We were born in Basilicata and therefore, as a rule, would like to call us “Basilicatesi” but instead we call ourselves Lucani. Our story is intertwined with that of other Italic and European peoples in which the best periods when it was a land of immigration. There was a period in which it was a land of arrival and the confrontation between different cultures. The meeting of different ways of life and habits, generated growth and promoted development.
the territory

S t o r i e s o f a n c i e n t p l a c e s

Lucanian roots

C h i l d r e n o f a w o n d e r f u l l a n d

LUCANIA, because we like to call it that, is a little-known little corner of paradise in southern Italy, where travelers are possessed by a sudden feeling of belonging that soon turns into crazy love where there is no more urgency to leave. The wild nature, the breathtaking landscapes, the silence, the clear air and the sincere generosity of the people, bring us back to a more intimate dimension of being a human being.

The children of this land had their own characteristic feature that many have now escaped. The Lucanian is never consoled, what he does is never enough for him. The Lucani is haunted by the demon of dissatisfaction.

Talk with a farmer, a shepherd, a winemaker, a Lucanian craftsman, talk to him about his work and he will tell you he had something else in his mind, something different and he will do it another time.
La lucania

T e r r a d i B r i g a n t i

LUCANIA has always been a land of woods and wolves, a land of brigands and rebels, a land of parks and canyons, a land that when you wake up you see the sun, the mountains and the kite king (Eagle) of the Lucanian skies. The life in this country, seems indifferent to the passing of time.

LUCANIA is a rich land with character .
LUCANIA has always been a land of woods and wolves, a land of brigands and rebels, a land of parks and canyons, a land that when you wake up you see the sun, the mountains and the kite king (Eagle) of the Lucanian skies. The life in this country, seems indifferent to the passing of time.

L U C A N I A i s a r i c h l a n d w i t h c h a r a c t e r .